Costumes & Characters
Our music video shows diversity and different representations by having a mix of various characters. I have drawn all their costumes to show the basis of their outfits, there will also be extras wearing casual clothes to be in the background of the party, then the key characters i've drawn will be involved in the narrative and significant scenes.
The 'Preppy' character': His smart, preppy style reflects his personality as a geeky, kind and outgoing person who enjoys the party yet brings a mix to the diverse group of characters. He is a binary opposite to the jock character as the preppy boy is innocent and has individual tastes whereas the jock tries to fit in at the party and look cool as he is more self conscious about his popularity.
The femme fatal, popular character: Her red dress and high heels portray her as a femme fatal as the colour red connotes danger and sexualises her character, also the heels make her seductive. Her costume makes her up as the party girl; reckless and provocative. She is also outgoing and very involved in the party.
The 'Mean Girls' inspired character: Her costume is very girly and makes her look quite sweet and innocent, from the symbolic colours. However she can be manipulative to get what she wants and she seems fake; putting on a front to gain popularity. She is an unexpected protagonist at the party who becomes a victim to some of the negative scenes at the party.
The skater/ drug dealer character: To set the scene of a corrupt party and to link to the song's drug references, there is a drug dealer character. He is dressed like a skater to portray his ruff, lazy character and he is a young, working class teenager who deals drugs at parties to rebel and maintain their addiction. He is shown in a negative way to deter the audience from his lifestyle and characteristics, so we are being careful not to glorify drug use in our video.
Gangster character: His costume is dark and grungy. He is show as a gangster and has a professional vibe as a drug dealer as he is powerful yet morally corrupt. He is also a stereotypical gangster, based on intertextual references, including my own thriller opening.
The main character; She is enigmatic because her face is hidden in over the shoulder/ point of view shots as you are seeing the narrative from her perspective. You can see the other characters and each of their personas but hers isn't explored as she is an average character, who is individual from everyone else at the party, and experiences all the scenes there but isn't really involved.
Well done - you've carefully thought about your costumes and they're great drawings too.